Sports physicals, also known as pre-participation physical examinations (PPEs), serve as a comprehensive health check-up for individuals engaging in organized sports activities. It goes beyond a regular check-up, focusing on the specific requirements and potential risks associated with athletic participation. We want your game-ready health to take center stage by doing what we can to try to prevent a sport related injury. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just stepping onto the field, gym or track, understanding the significance of these examinations.
We believe embarking on a sports season without a thorough pre-participation exam is like starting a journey without a map. Sports physicals are not just a formality; they are your compass, guiding you towards a season or a year of optimal health and performance. Beyond being a mandatory step for participation, sports physicals offer a spectrum of benefits. From identifying potential health risks to preventing injuries, these exams are the cornerstone of preventive care for athletes and active people. Children and adolescents benefit significantly from routine exams, ensuring their healthy development and addressing any potential health concerns early on. These exams are crucial during growth spurts and developmental milestones. The frequency and components of routine exams may vary based on factors such as age and health history. Tailoring these assessments to individual needs ensures personalized and effective healthcare.
We believe in creating an environment where athletes feel comfortable discussing their health is crucial. Encouraging open communication during the physical examination ensures that any concerns or issues are addressed promptly, fostering a positive experience for the athlete or active person.
The sports physical is similar to a standard physical or check-up in that the provider will often listen to your heart and lungs, manipulate and palpate the body to check for key markers of certain ailments, and review your medical history. Providers may ask you to complete certain movements to identify any injuries, make recommendations for healthy diet and hydration, and identify issues to look out for while completing physical exercise.
Our team is focused on providing patients with quality healthcare catered to their unique needs to empower them to feel and be the best version of themselves.
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